Monday, April 6, 2015

Military Hawk Blog - Version 2.0

The blog is back for a second season! Hopefully, the blog sequel is more like Godfather Part II or The Empire Strikes Back rather than Weekend at Bernie's II (probably one of the worst movies I have ever seen. Just to give you a hint of how bad it is here is a partial explanation of the plot (Bernie is the dead guy): "Meanwhile the Cartel Bernie was stealing the money for hires a Voodoo Queen to help them find the money. She tells Henry and Charles to steal Bernie's body and raise it from the dead to lead them to the money. Unfortunately Henry and Charles goofed and Bernie can only move when he hears music." I saw this movie in the theater back when I had bad taste and I will never get that 97 minutes back. Got a 10% approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes. I digress). 

The wife is on sabbatical--it is tiring for her to deal with my spousal awesomeness 24/7--so I have a some time to write. Over the next two weeks, I will take a look at each of the 4 divisions and give you my thoughts on the upcoming season. For now, let's catch up on the off-season.

A good deal happened during the off-season. To catch you up: 

(1) I turned 40, which now makes me the same age as Mike Man's Gold. 

(2) I practiced some law, which the dog was thrilled about: 

(3) I accepted a breeder award on behalf of Bar C for Noosito. Pam and Neal were busy at a rave in Hermiston that night so I accepted the award and promptly put it on Ebay. 

(4) I was elected (not Central American 80s-style) President of the WTBOA which was a honor (check back with me in the next few months to see if the word "honor" still fits). Any comments on my blog are my own and don't reflect the views of the WTBOA (even though I am always right). As any President would do, I've already abused my powers by signing the following Executive Orders (yes, Napoleon Complex fits me aptly): 

Executive Order #1: Going forward you are required to refer to me as Your Lordship. You can also use Your Excellency, King Joffrey, or Lord Tyrion. As my vassals, I promise to treat you well if you sign over the deed to your lands to me. 

Executive Order #2: All mom jeans are banned from the backstretch: 

More Executive Orders to come. 

On a serious note: This is a unique time for our industry and I am starting the process of examining every successful racing state to learn what makes their owner and breeder programs excel. I am hoping to find the recipe for success. Although I am aware in general of how most state's programs work, I want to focus on the specific details of each state and see if there is anything we can parrot. We will never have another opportunity like this. We must harness the energy and go forward now. No waiting.

Some of my blog posts going forward will contain more content than comedy but I think we need to seriously work together to ensure we have an industry 30 years from now. Please contact with me any thoughts. 

Always Love Your Animals


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